Welcome to the website of Stace.H. Photography.
Stacey S. Hamilton is a self-taught professional portrait photographer born, raised, and currently living in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Stacey specializes in portrait photography and has been shooting for 10 years. Her body of work highlights the raw beauty of women, men, and gender non conforming individuals who descend from the African diaspora. Stacey has traveled to South Africa and notably Kumasi, Ghana (where she was given her Ashanti name) to draw inspiration for ongoing photography projects and to grow closer to her African roots. Stacey is also an exhibiting photographer who has held both solo and collaborative exhibitions, These include the SPOKE Gallery in South Boston, and the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation. Stacey received the Feminism in Action grant from MassNOW in 2018 and has collaborated with other artists/photographers including Lola Akinmade Akerstrom, award-winning Nigerian photographer and travel writer based in Stockholm, SE and Stephen Hamilton, painter, textile/mixed media artist based in Boston, MA.
Heirloom 2020 - Boston Globe, SPOKE Gallery, WBUR
DAT MLNN THO 2019, 2022 - MassNOW , Needham Public Library
Snapshots series by Geotraveler, Lola Akinmade Åkerström. The “Snapshots” series are mini interviews with fellow black travel photographers.